Introduction of short stress rolling mill

التعليقات · 530 الآراء

The rolling force received by the rolling mill forms a closed loop line, that is, the stress line, through the internal stress of the force-bearing components such as the roll, the rolling bearing, the box, the copper nut, and the tie rod. The base of the rolling mill and the pressing mech

Work method of short stress rolling mill:

The rolling force received by the rolling mill forms a closed loop line, that is, the stress line, through the internal stress of the force-bearing components such as the roll, the rolling bearing, the box, the copper nut, and the tie rod. The base of the rolling mill and the pressing mechanism is not subject to the rolling force, and the stress line is shorter than that of the ordinary rolling mill, which improves the strength of the rolling mill and reduces the elastic deformation of the rolling mill, so it is called "short stress rolling mill".

Structure of Short stress rolling mill:

A short stress rolling mill can be divided into four parts: pressing mechanism, box (roller assembly), tie rod, and base.

Advantages of Short stress rolling mill:

(1) The high rigidity of the rolling mill ensures the high precision of the product, and it is easy to realize negative deviation rolling.

(2) Symmetrical adjustment can be achieved. This is of great significance for stable operation, improving operation rate, saving time for maintenance and replacement of guide beams, reducing operation accidents, avoiding process accidents such as elbows of rolled products, impact, copper wrapping, etc., and improving guide life.

(3) Because the rolling mill has changed the force transmission path and changed the concentrated load of the pressing screw to the dispersed load distributed on both sides of the bearing seat, the bearing and bearing seat is better stressed, and the bearing life is 1.5 times higher than that of the ordinary rolling mill. above, thereby reducing the cost of the product.

(4) The spokes of this type of rolling mill are pre-installed and adjusted before the replacement, and the new ones can be replaced about 10 minutes after stopping. And the adjusted new system can guarantee the product quality after rolling one or two pieces of steel. Therefore, the rolling mill has good pre-adjustment performance, quick changeover, and high yield.

Short stress rolling mill

Wuxi Yushun Metallurgical Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer integrating scientific research and development, engineering design, system integration, equipment installation, and sales services. It has short stress rolling mills for sale. If you have any needs, you are welcome to contact us anytime!

