Detailed geographical description of the territory of the New World Territory

التعليقات · 1430 الآراء

There are many complex systems that exist in New World, and territory standing is only one of them

There are many complex systems that exist in New World, and territory standing is only one of them. It is also only one of many systems that exist in NW coins. Here you will find an explanation of what territory standing is and how to take advantage of it. Despite the fact that there are a total of ten different bonuses to choose from in Standing in new NW for sale, you will only be able to choose from four of them at each level, as previously stated. Telltale Games' role-playing game Standing in cheap new world coins is set in a post-apocalyptic world. Detailed descriptions of the bonuses are provided below, along with the goals that they are intended to achieve.

A significant increase in the amount of Faction Tokens you receive from both PvE and PvP missions has been observed as a result of this improvement, it has been determined.

The effect of this ability on your Standing gain is to increase it by a small percentage, and that is exactly what it does in this case.


If you own a home in the Territory Station and participate in the Property Tax Reduction program, it is possible to have your weekly property tax reduced.

It is because of this item's effect that the fee for refining and crafting stations has been reduced by half to half its previous value.

Extended storage space in the Territory Trading Post Tax Reduction — Reduces the amount of tax you pay when purchasing and selling items at the Territory Trading Post. Extending your storage space in the Territory Trading Post

Some of these Standing bonuses may not apply to you if you are not interested in home ownership; if this is the case, three of the bonuses listed above may not apply to you and you will be able to skip over them. As a general rule, increased standing is one of the better bonuses to obtain because it allows you to gain more standing in a shorter period of time, and, as a result, earn more bonuses as a result of your higher standing and bonuses.
